Build : 31/5 2003, Pieces: 120, Steps: 23


25 Stealthy (winter 2002) 29 Palmtree (17/4 2003) 32 Spiderweb (spring 2003)

Because of my limited supply of grey platewings, I continued the experiments using regular plates instead.

Aesthetically, the fanlike spread of the wings was primarily inspired on the feathers of heraldic birds.


The green windshield and mounting of the nose and wings is pretty much a copy of my model 25 Stealthy, while I used a more ad-hoc approach for the wings on this one (compared to the spinly 1xn plates on the Spiderweb and more solid hypotech on the 25 Stealthy): Most of the wings are either kept in place by simple stud friction, or secured by 1½x4 offset plates placed by trial and error.

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