Both the nose and engines are fixed via the SNOT technique, however the nose was a little more difficult. (left) The core was made of red and green 1x1 glass plates. Both the nose and engines are fixed via the SNOT technique, however the nose was a little more difficult. (left) The core was made of red and green 1x1 glass plates.
Building technique: There isn't a lot to say about this model, but it basically grew out of the symmetry of the side engines, which were inspired by a eight shots rubberbandgun I'd made a couple of years before and the SNOT technique (It'll appear in the misc. gallery when I've had the time to reconstruct it).
Since I had a lot of white brackets from Classic space, and only black versions of the big wings, the colour scheme ended up as black and white. Due to the framed structure of the engines that resembled half timber work, this were the structure I went for (although with inverted colours), since I hadn't that many white pieces (particularly slopes).
The decision of decorating the model was a wise one since it camouflages the actually quite bulky structure (although it added to it as well).
The resemblance of the Y-wing was unintentional at first, but to avoid asymmetry, I had to put the engines/wings on either side.
Inspiration: To avoid asymmetry I had to put an engine on either side of the body. Since the model had some resemblance with an Y-Wing and a rocket, I followed that inspiration and made a thin neck with a more speedboat-shaped cockpit.
It looks a bit like a rocket too
Landing method: I think it was supposed to take off and land vertically, but it was also fitted with a landinggear, making it possible to stand vertically: I can't really remember if it was supposed to have antigrav, but I don't think so.
It was probably made in the last part of the summer holiday, and I wouldn't make anything new before late in 1997, where I changed the focus back to shape with a new style.